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Productivity Enhancement

Henri Poincare is a group associates of industry leaders and domain experts who are focused on delivering professional advisory services to support sustainable growth for emerging business in Energy and manufacturing sectors within the Middle East and North Africa.

Process Improvement Advisory 

Business Process, Assets Availability, Lean Six Sigma and Standard Operating Practices: Provide technical and process management expertise to optimize and maximize efficiency. The examination of business practices, services/products and people to assess capabilities, benchmark process, define strength and weaknesses, and map those processes to address the market priorities.

Lean Six Sigma 
Sigma is a term used to measure deviation. Measuring “efficient” and “effective” process is a relatively compared against best standard within similar industries. 


Sharing knowledge across different industries to utilise best practices may bring a lot of knowledge and lessons to improve and evolve efficiency. A pragmatic approach is required to utilise only what make sense when it make sense is a key success factor. 
Lean Six Sigma helps institute to improve process efficiency, reduce wastage and enhance results. Ideally, the approach start with business-diagnostic through the utilisation of 6-sigma methodology to understand business needs and requirements, then rapidly mapping processes to its full potential to reduce errors and improve delivery through identifying of bottlenecks and bench-marking against best process within the industry or similar industries. Identifying areas of improvement to unleash potential and achieve sustainable results within the organisation.


Assets Management & Availability 

organisations focus only on critical fixed assets. Statistically speaking, only 30% of total assets are actually accounted for in most organisations, leaving 70% of the investment at risk. In a complex and dynamic organisation, the critical assets usually represent only 10% of the total assets, focusing only on this 10% is risking the entire business to fail. 

Tracking and listing assets is only the start of the process; an enterprise risk matrix or ERM is required to enable informed risk assessment and critical assignment for assets. Usually, assets criticalities are based on accounting bases such as initial cost, depreciation (if known such as the case for linear assets) and asset failure costs. However, a detailed analysis is required on the assets criticality in relation to business continuity and impact of failures.   

New Venture investments usually focus on estimating NPV, IRR or payback and forecast cash flow to understand ROI, nevertheless, cash flow estimates are valid only during asset lifecycle. Informed cash flows forecast will require thorough understanding of the asset life-cycle, which could be best represented by “Total Life-cycle Asset Management”. This model covers asset classes and associated asset life-cycle phases as follow:

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© 2018 by Henri Poincare Consultants

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