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Code of Business

Conduct & Ethics 

Believe in Value ...

Henri Poincare is a firm that believes in value. Our culture is a value-driven behaviour focused on bringing the best out of the team, customers and society. We reflect personal integrity across all our
activities and we target to gain trust in everything we do

Our Purpose 

Henri Poincare Associates aims to provide a unique positive customer’s experience through every interaction. We provide our customers with tools and methodologies to develop a sustainable growth in their emerging business

Our Values 
Our Values 

We value people, with their desire, curiosity, knowledge and approach to improve business practices and enhance performance. Our association invites domain experts to work in a dynamic environment to find solutions to challenges. Our behaviour and approach is focused on sharing value and consequences of our advice, principles and actions:

We value people, with their desire, curiosity, knowledge and approach to improve business practices and enhance performance. Our association invites domain experts to work in a dynamic environment to find solutions to challenges. Our behaviour and approach is focused on sharing value and consequences of our advice, principles and actions:

Professional Standard
and Curiosity

Adhere to the highest professional standard in every transaction; our PERSONAL INTEGRITY and ETHICAL approach is our “license to operate”. We respect people, offer diversity and accept differences. We appreciate “CURIOSITY” of how things are being done, we INVESTIGATE and we think of ways to do things better, safer and more EFFICIENT. We explore, invent and challenge the “business as usual” to find an effective approach. We learn
from cultures, people and nature every day. We appreciate the complexity of our customers’ NONLINEAR DYNAMIC business. We have no respect for the STATUS QUO and we want to change the world.

Customer Interest 
and Sustainability

We are obliged to put the customer’s interest ahead of the association and we preserve our customer’s CONFIDENCE through our approach and mind-set. Our associates will maintain an INDEPENDENT PROSPECTIVE to review and manage our customer’s resources EFFECTIVELY and efficiently to save cost and enhance results. We build enduring RELATIONSHIP based on trust with our customers, people and society. We believe in results, only, SUSTAINABLE RESULTS that can over time grow and accommodate enhancement. We evaluate the business practice to deploy sustainable methodologies to ENHANCE RESULTS and sustain growth.

Public Trust

We understand the value of our people and process. We recognise the importance of our advice and recommendations and the impact it might leave, affecting our customer’s
business and their environment. We take OWNERSHIP and ACCOUNTABILITY within the team, project, association, customer office and the public. We accept a personal obligation to our profession, the associates and everyone involved in our field and activities. We agree and accept to be bound by RESPECT to others; to everyone, including our own team members, and even our competitors. We respect PRIVACY and we protect personal information and
data. We treat people FAIRLY, we have zero-tolerance for harassment of any kind, and we will not discriminate against any person. 


The Henri Poincare Associates ethics guidelines and policies were drafted to guide our associates during difficult times to help them making the right decision. Those guidelines were made to support the associates as an individual and as a group to define the way that
we conduct business.

Quality of Work

Along with our integrity, the quality of the work conducted are the most critical drivers of our reputation. The work provided should meet best international and professional standards known across industries. The focus on the customer expectations and perception is equally important to the actual need and demand. The customer perception of results should always be taken in consideration.
Every associate, individual and, or, team within Henri Poincare is responsible for driving quality culture in every preformed service. The quality-results should drive pride and confidence in completed work. A sense of achievement and professional accomplishment is the level that each individual within the association should seek.

Download the Code of Conduct 

This code explains the mind-set, attitude, behaviour and provides guidelines of Henri Poincare Associates business conduct. It is not intended to create, nor does it constitute a contract or a promise of any kind. Any reference to “we” , “our” , “associate” or the “firm” are all references to the associates, personnel and entities of Henri Poincare business advisory bureau

Report a Concern?  
Contact us

Each of us has a responsibility to speak up if we see something unsafe, unethical or potentially harmful. If you have a question, need help or want to raise a concern you have to speak to the Board of Directors of Henri Poincare Associates or reports this via the different channels. Start now!

or email us: 

© 2018 by Henri Poincare Consultants

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